Spring Gardens

Can you feel the beginnings of a spring buzz in the air? It’s nearly here! The arrival of new colours, new plants, that stunning luminous green of new leaves signifies that the end of winter is in sight. I don’t know about you but all of us in our family have new urges to be outside.

March is a time to start planning the garden you want to see into spring and summer.

We will be choosing and buying our seeds which we can’t wait to plant.

A fun job we all enjoy is spring cleaning all our plant pots and seed trays ready for our new seeds.

Seeds that we enjoy planting early in spring include peas, sweet peas, sunflowers, spring onions, beetroot, and salad. We find that growing things from seeds is such a valuable activity as you can really see the cycle of a plant from germination through to harvest.
If you’re looking for a fun craft project for this month how about some colourful wellington boot planters for the garden?

They are so fun and are easy to make. Grab your Wilded Family Spring notepaper and make some notes:

1) Just take some old pairs of boots, make a few drainage holes in the bottom and then fill them with compost.

2) Add some colourful flowers such as winter ponies or primroses then place them in around your garden, in your decking, on your doorstep where they will be much admired and cause many a smile.

Coming in time for Spring, we have our nature table; this eco-friendly homeware table encourages children to look for pretty leaf’s, flowers feathers etc and allows children to admire the beauty and wonder that is around them in nature. As well as allowing them to engage with their wild side.

Products mentioned in this post:
Wilded Family – Rainbow Children’s Writing Paper and Envelope Sets
Wilded Family – Wild Nature Table